viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

Happy easter, It is nice to celebrate and remember people who realized their own God, God blessed them at one point, great! The idea of religiosis that you may experience your own infinity, many leaders realized God and many follow them, but, what about our own God? I distrust any faith that does not make you realize your Own God. Our own God is the same as the God of any other person, or guide or guru, or saint, I don´t care what the name of the religion is, we realize God through our self and not through any of the masters self. Therefore, we need a practice, our OWN practice; in kundalini yoga we use the word “Sadhana”. We have all these masters,  all they are saying is for you to realize and find your own God. They didn’t want any followers, people ended up following them, why? it take courage to take this responsibility, so we go on hoping that their light will carry us through as if the master or God or whatever you want to call him or her, could give you the enlightment or saving grace, and they could perhaps, ....if you do put an effort, effort that at the end, will give you the experience. Some people say no effort is needed, God is already in you, so, why put an effort? Simple, the glands need to be stimulated so they can react and thus serve you. Our glands are the keepers of our health. If we all awakened our kundalini energy, we could see this, how the glandular system reacts to the energy going through. In Spanish we say, “A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando” “To God praying, meanwhile work real hard” Yogi Bhajan for instance, he used to say, don't love me, love my teachings, and not because his teachings were his,…. another teacher taught him, and on and on, the teachings are eternal,  Snatam Dharma, Dharma means action, the proper action, it is just the law of cause and effect, newton´s third law, which is a practice that when applied in life, enlightment may happen to the practitioners, the chakras open up to hear the unhearable and see the unseen. so be realistic, anything else is just going around in circles, get the real thing, if you go to any school, no teacher will give you the experience, you have to learn, then apply in your life what has been learned, and then have the experience, at this point, the experience point, any teacher just moves aside, I don´t care what his name may be. Guides will give you the technological knowhow, they will show you how to get the experience, how to get there, so you can see and experience through the self, yourself, any other way, doesn’t work, following someone like an idiot, where you never get exposed to find yourself, is just a waste of time, even shamans will give people mushrooms and what not so you can have an experience so you can see for yourself, the idea is to have an infinite trust in self, realize the self, If you know yourself, you know God. Part of the teachings is: you have yourself, your guru and your God, or you have yourself, your ego and your desires. And what happened here? Simply the free will was not used to find the inner treasure, and all the effort of life were used for the outer experiences only, we say there are 2 selves, the finite self and the infinite self, creating a connection between these 2 selves. Is the idea of all yogas, all religions, unless the yogas and religions get so distorted, that they keep people going around in circles letting you experience the finite self over and over and over, that there’s no notion of our infinite nature. Teaching like that is a true sin, believe me. A basic duality happened, this duality, is what makes people think, that they are not divine.

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